What has happened to the perception of programming being a science, an engineering discipline, or even art? Today’s students seem to think programming is nothing but copying code snippets from some dodgy sources, renaming variables (if they can even be bothered with that) and hoping that by magic this conglomeration of code odds and ends will produce the desired result. This approach is certainly not science or engineering. One might see an artistic spirit in it, but to me it mostly resembles guessing, gambling, and hoping that the parser will highlight & correct some syntax errors … and when the code compiles it surely has to be correct.
Collaboration anticipated with the HAW (University of Applied Sciences, Hamburg)
The Ambient Intelligence Laboratory at HAW, Germany has offered our research group access to their smart home lab to further our research and test the current version of our agent development framework in an existing life-like situation.The UbiComp-Lab in Hamburg was designed and built to study ubiquitous computing. We are planning to conduct a preliminary visit to ascertain the lab’s capabilities and interfaces so that our current work can be adapted to operate within the lab with a second, longer visit to conduct experiments using our software in the lab.
Connection Science Editorial
Connection Science, Vol. 27.1, now online: weblink
Read editorials from Tony Prescott and Bertie Müller
The Loebner Prize teams up with the AISB and Bletchley Park Museum
A warm welcome in the year of the AISB’s 50th anniversary
It has been an eventful year for the world’s oldest AI society. Interdisciplinary AI has been showcased as a thriving discipline at the hugely successful AISB-50 convention and in the no less successful AISB workshop series. But this is just the AISB’ s everyday business. Two behind-the-scenes events of the ongoing year are promising to have a longer-term effect on AI research and media coverage: A partnership between the AISB and the journal Connection Science published by Taylor and Francis has been arranged in October, and — following the official agreement with Hugh Loebner earlier this year — the decision that AISB would be taking permanent responsibility for running the annual Loebner Prize finals on the premises of Bletchley Park where Alan Turing worked as a code-breaker during World War 2.
We are thrilled that AISB has been chosen to host the longest-running Turing-Test competition started in 1991 and based on Alan Turing’s original conception of the test. Claims in the media that the Turing Test had been passed for the first time this year have left parts of the scientific community unconvinced due to various reasons. The Loebner Prize version of the test offers an established set of rules and even though still in its simpler first stage no submission has managed to pass this stage even 23 years after its inception. Once the it has been passed, the contest will enter a second stage introducing audio/visual components to the conversations. We are looking at some exciting years ahead.
On behalf of the AISB committee, I would like to thank the organisers of this year’s competition, Ed Keedwell and Nir Oren, and would also like to express my gratitude to everyone who has helped make this event possible, in particular Claire Urwin from Bletchley Park Museum, Paul Sant from the University of Bedfordshire, David Levy, and the judges and confederates who volunteered to dedicate their time to the event … and, of course, many thanks to Hugh Loebner without whose organisational and financial support all this would not be possible.
Bletchley Park, November 2014
Dr Berndt “Bertie” Müller (University of South Wales and AISB Chair)
The Loebner Prize Finals take place at Bletchley Park Museum on Saturday, 15 November 2014
dotdotdot …
After the initial launch and its inclusion in the Futures Gallery at the Pierhead Building of the Welsh National Assembly, 1024by768.net will receive another online opening at dotdotdot v2 in London on 21 August: onedotzero
AISB Convention 2014 (AISB50)
The AISB is celebrating its 50th anniversary with an impressive array of symposia. The new web site gives all information and is updated with all the news around this special event. Stay tuned and come back for more details at: http://aisb50.org
CS&P 2013 in Warsaw
Straight after holding our 2nd-year degree students’ induction event, I will be travelling to Warsaw tomorrow to present a paper on a layered agent framework for smart home environments at Concurrency, Specification & Programming (CS&P 2013). The work presented is joint with my PhD student Jack Betts.
The Vicious Circle
Challenged by some obscure maths notations? Need to know more about functions and how they relate to computer programs? Believe everything is computable? Want to make a computer think or want to think like a computer?
No guaranteed answers here, but sometimes raising more questions clarifies the original ones … Join our mathematical reading group at the University of South Wales. Currently, I am joined by three of our PhD students … intrigued? Just contact me.
Research institutes …
In my mail today: “[…] Thank you for your application to join the Computing and Digital Economy Research Institute. I am pleased to inform you that your application was successful and you are now a member of the Computing and Digital Economy Research Institute. […]”
PhD Scholarship
I have just been successful in securing funding for a PhD studentship. The project is going to be in the area of ‘Shaping the Future of the Intelligent Home’ and is for three years. The scholarship will be advertised in September for start this autumn in January.
Some notes on the project:
Computing devices are becoming ubiquitous. Even though chip implants are not imminent, a multitude of computing devices are being integrated into many consumer electronic products and home appliances, thus becoming part of everyone’s home. Many of these devices will attempt to assist human beings in various aspects of everyday life. Examples of this kind of functionality include the ‘suggestions’ given by modern digital video recorders, also called personal video recorders (PVRs), such as the Virgin TiVo; location-based alerts given by mobile phones; and advice based on the data provided by Nike trainers and communicated to MP3 players and watches. These developments are rapidly affecting our lives and the places we visit regularly. The home is one of the first areas targeted by numerous companies in the home entertainment and communication sectors. Initial developments are in the areas of entertainment (recommendations and defaults in TV viewing by exploring and learning of habits, semantic search for similarities, lighting preferences), e-commerce (assisted home shopping and automated supply control), and energy-saving (automated dimming of lights and setting of the heating according to habits, combined with energy saving patterns).
The home of the future will use a variety of sensors to perceive and learn about the habits of the person(s) using any of the room(s). Partial information will be gathered and put into a larger context by communicating agents. These agents form a multi-agent system in which agents communicate to exchange information to achieve the desired goal by picking suitable plans (rules) and making them the current intention. Several intentions can be active concurrently in the pursuit of a number of (sub)goals. Agents also might have to work together (form a coalition) to achieve the goal(s). Changes in the environment, such as the availability of sufficient resources, can lead to the necessity of dropping an intention and picking an alternative plan.
The user profile will be updated continuously in order to give informed advice and suggestions. The user(s) will not need to interact with the learning system, but – especially in the initial learning phase – it will be beneficial if the user can rate the suggestions made by the intelligent home to accelerate the learning process. Modern, flexible work patterns impose the necessity to move house more often than previous generations. To accommodate this development, it is essential that the information gathered is separated into location-specific information and more general information that would be portable and might even be carried on mobile devices (or chip implants) to be available to the user at any time and at any location. For the home of the future, this could accelerate the learning process in a new environment, since some location-independent personalised patterns would already be available. Potentially, this information can also be used for personal assistance in mobile devices.
This scenario poses some fundamental research questions:
• How can artificial intelligence in general and agent technology in particular be facilitated successfully for assistive devices in a typical home setting?
• How can habits be perceived using affordable technology?
• How can life-assistance agents in general, and home-assistance agents in particular, be implemented according to ethical and legal requirements?
• How can data protection be guaranteed?
• How can unwanted interference with the various sensors, computing devices, etc. be avoided or be kept to a minimum?
• How can the system react optimally and reliably in the case of insufficient resources or other changes in the environment?
• How can conflicting interests of family members and intentions competing for resources be dealt with?
Facilitating techniques known from artificial intelligence (including games AI), learning theory, and agent programming, the aim of the project is to develop algorithm prototypes for an assisting home of the future. Applicable techniques include resource-based and location-based reasoning, rule-based systems, neural networks, search strategies, and a variety of logic and agent-oriented programming methodologies. These well-explored techniques can be combined to form framework for a ‘personal assistants’ in the home of the future.